Teeth Remedy

My friend Craig and I developed a protocol for healing teeth. I’m 46 years old (in 2017), and 4 years ago I had cavities in almost every tooth, and severe pain in my right upper wisdom tooth. I thought I was headed to the denture store or going to root canal island pretty soon. Today, all cavities have filled in and re-mineralized, and no teeth were pulled. The pain in my wisdom tooth is almost gone. Modern dentistry in mostly unnecessary. Anyone can easily heal their teeth in 2-4 years.

I had 4 mercury fillings in high school, 3 of which have since fallen out, and I last visited the dentist when I was 23. At that time, they scheduled me for 8 fillings over 3 different visits, but I elected not to go. Instead, I started experimenting with energy healing, which sufficed until I was about 40. Then it started to feel like my teeth were degrading past the point that I could handle with energy healing. My diet had been pretty bad for most of my life, I’d always eaten sweets, and been addicted to sugar for a few decades already; all of which were really hard of my teeth.

So, after much experimentation and trying of different remedies, I’ve come across a combination of 2 remedies which have regenerated my teeth. Using one or the other by itself is not enough. Both must be used together. I use each of them once a day. Using them twice a day would probably produce slightly faster results. So here they are with links to the ingredients that I used to make my own:

First, make your own raw cacao toothpaste.

2 Tablespoons baking soda
4 Tablespoons coconut oil
6 drops Clove essential oil (doTerra brand is the best)
2 teaspoons organic raw cacao powder. (I mix cacao and carob powder 50/50. Cacao has magnesium, carob has calcium. Mixing them increases calcium absorption and accelerates remineralization.)

I quadruple this recipe and make a big batch of it. I melt the coconut oil, mix in the ingredients, then pour it in a big glass jar. I have to mix it up occasionally as the coconut oil will settle, but it lasts for months and is extremely cheap to make. Any brand of raw organic cacao and carob powder will work. I included links to my favorites that I use myself. (That brand of cacao powder is particular good. I’m a cacao snob.)

This toothpaste will help remineralize your teeth and repair damage. However, this is not enough by itself. We need to create a low-bacteria environment in the mouth, so those bacteria don’t keep dissolving our enamel and the toothpaste is allowed to do its work. I used the raw cacao toothpaste remedy for 2 years by itself, and it didn’t work. But once I combined it with the essential oil remedy below, then I started to see noticeable results within 6 months.

Essential Oil Remedy (use in a water flosser)
A few drops of each essential oil in a water flosser.
doTerra Frankincense
doTerra OnGuard
doTerra Clove

I put 20 drops of each oil in a 1/2 gallon mason jar (WalMart has them), shake it up and then mix that solution 50/50 in my water flosser with almost boiling water. I get it as hot as I can stand it. This helps to prevent your machine from clogging and keeps the oils more fluid. The 1/2 gallon mixture lasts around 4-7 uses. I also run near boiling water through my waterpik for about 10 sec afterwards to rinse it.

After years of experience, I can say that using 20 drops of each oil to 1/2 gallon is probably overkill. You could probably get by with 10 drops of each, maybe less. I went overboard and made the solution as strong as I could stand it, as I wanted to make sure it was working as fast as possible. It’s up to you to experiment and decide what your own level of tolerance is.

Also, I’m not much for recommending specific brands, but I would strongly recommend doTerra oils in this case. I got tired of paying $65 for a little bottle of doTerra Frankincense (now up to $80), so I started buying big cheap bottles of Frankincense and Clove for $20-30. But, I’m here to tell you that it didn’t work. After using the cheap oils for 6 months, my teeth are degrading again and pain has returned to my wisdom tooth. The pain was completely gone before. The degradation of my teeth with the cheaper oils has been so rapid, that I actually think that the cheaper oils are eroding the repairs that were previously made, in addition to not protecting my teeth from bacterial erosion. Also, I’ve not tried any other brands such as Young Living, Aura Cacia, Plant Life etc. Maybe those would work, I’m not sure. If they work for you, then let me know and I’ll add them to the list.
(Update: The cheaper oils eroded all the previous repairs on my right upper wisdom tooth, and now the erosion is down to the root. Hurts like heck! However, I switched back to doTerra oils a few months ago, and it’s getting better and the pain is reduced by about 50%. It’s going to take another 2 years or so to heal it completely up again. My other teeth are still all ok.)

I’m not a doTerra associate currently and don’t really recommend buying from them directly. You can pay to sign up for their wholesale account and get the oils slightly cheaper, but they charge a hefty sales tax and shipping fee, and the total on a $100 order ends up being almost the same as what you pay on Amazon with free shipping (with Prime account).
(Update: I’ve changed my mind on this, as I ordered some doTerra oils off EBay, and they were definitely not the same quality. It was easy to tell by the smell, and the bottle stopper was slightly different. I watched a few videos on YouTube about this issue and there’s a lot of fraud on Amazon and Ebay apparently with doTerra oils. The ones from Amazon seem ok, but it’s hard to tell. So, I’m going to order them from doTerra directly.)

I have a couple of good friends that are doTerra associates, who’ve gone to their conferences where they explain how they source their oils. Their process is impressive. They find the best possible plant variety for each oil, grown in the area of the world where the soil and climate produce the most potent elixir, sourced from the producer that is doing the most to support eco-friendly, organic farming techniques, and local sustainability and economy. That is exactly what every business in the world needs to do to heal this Earth. So hats off to doTerra! Most people don’t realize that there are usually several varieties of a plant, and not all of them are equal in medicinal value. For example, there are apparently 3 varieties of Frankincense, and one of them is not therapeutically valuable. Which variety is in the cheap Frankincense oil? Who knows, they don’t say. You get what you pay for most times. And in this case, it’s worth it to pay the extra $$ for doTerra.