How Your Ego Plays With You

Your Ego
Our Ego plays with our brain chemically, producing mental and emotional dramas that jerk our chain around all day. For example, if you receive a lot of compliments, or get a bunch of likes and praise on social media, then your brain will produce a “feel-good” chemical cocktail that enhances your mood and makes you high. This neurotransmitter / hormone cocktail is the antidote for that “feeling bad about myself” cocktail that’s been hanging around in your brain.

Most of us struggle with low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy & worthlessness, and lack of self confidence. We constantly criticism and judge ourselves, which generates the “I’m Crap” depression cocktail that plagues most of us on a cyclical basis. The “Wow-Everybody-Likes-Me-Today” cocktail makes you high, and so naturally you get addicted to it and want more. So you subconsciously (or semi-consciously) start to modify your behavior to get more and more praise. But then your actions start to become shallow and contrived, because you’re really just trying to get your chemical fix, instead of acting completely from genuineness. And then…BAM! The Ego has got you.

Drama…Drama…and MORE…DRAMA!
OH! The DRAMAS of Humanity! How we get played like a fiddle on a daily basis! The number of people that have their lives almost entirely controlled by endless drama just boggles the mind. The praise, the criticism, the validation and rejection, the he said/she said, the endless cycle of slights and offenses that offend and irritate, having one of those minds that makes 1000 judgments a minute, that worries and stresses about things beyond your control; forgetting to let go and let Spirit. All these dramas cycle endlessly and control our lives. Every time you’ve felt upset, worried, angry, offended, sad, depressed, worthless etc, is a time when you’ve lost perspective and the Ego has trapped you.

Expanding your Perspective
Rising above the dramatic fray is difficult but possible. It starts with expanding your perspective. Think about all the stars in the sky, all the galaxies in the Cosmos, the billions and billions of worlds out there, perhaps some of them populated by life, by intelligent beings like us, capable of abstract thought, reason, and complex emotions. And perhaps some of them like us, are completely involved in their own little dramas, running around on their own planet, playing out their daily dramas while almost oblivious to the bigger picture.

Imagine an entire Universe full of this! Billions and billions of planets filled with beings involved in their own particular brand of dramatic insanity. If you think about it, all the endless dramas we participate in are just silly. They’re the dramas of little human monkeys with their nose to the ground, unable to see the stars and the larger perspective. When you start to lose your perspective, think about your death, which is inevitable. There is no guarantee that you will live even one more second. How important is the latest offense or worry when compared to your death? What if you were going to die in the next minute? Would you still be offended by the latest slight?

Open To SurrenderSurrender in Grace
Anyone can expand their perspective and gain temporary relief from the Ego by thinking of such things. The problem is how to maintain this state? The trick is to surrender your mind and heart to Spirit. Our problems can’t be solved by the frequencies that created them. We must surrender to something greater than ourselves to escape the daily grind. The mind is one of our greatest tools, but the ultimate answers can’t be found in the mental realm. You can’t “think your way” to enlightenment.

Now, (rubs hands together), I’ve just used one of the greatest lines of psychological manipulation on you. “We must surrender to something greater than ourselves.” I’ve got you right where I want you, and now’s my chance to pitch my religion to you, or to tell you about my fantastic book with all the answers in it, for ONLY $99.99, if you act now. Right? WRONG. Believe it or not, all the answers lie within you, and that’s the only place you’ll ever find them. There’s nothing external that can really help you. Oh, there are tools that can be of great help for awhile, but eventually all roads lead back to the self. And it is so hard for us to believe in ourselves. That’s why the aforementioned line works so well on us, because most of us live in a world of low self-esteem.

The only way out of the maze is to transcend it, and for that we have to get out of the “human box”. The Human Box is everything that you think you know, everything you’ve ever felt, and every idea, opinion and judgment you’ve ever had. Giving up our attachment to our feelings is the hardest part. You can still love and care for those dear to you, but attachment, fear and concern has to be released to Spirit. As long as we are unwilling to surrender our human consciousness to something greater than ourselves, we’ll always be trapped in delusion and drama.

You have to “give up your life” and surrender your internal world to Spirit. Surrendering your life has nothing to do with anything external, it only takes place internally. At some point you will likely feel called to make changes in your external world, however the way of change and the timing of such, is different for each individual. Only your own Soul knows what you need to evolve, only the Divine can help you to transcend the maze. Everything in your consciousness that you could call a part of your life, has to be surrendered to the Divine. This is the way to find the one true path, “The Way Within”.

The Way Within
We can only be filled with light and knowledge directly from the Divine, not from external sources. We have to meditate and forge our own connection to the Divine. We must surrender ourselves to Spirit, and walk the path within through light and dark. Each path is unique and must be discovered by oneself. No one can tell you what to do, what to believe, what to feel, or how to walk your own path. Evolution is a self-realized affair. Real progress and answers can only be found within oneself, completely alone, without external influences.

This is why the master who found their own path becomes enlightened, but the apprentices they teach generally don’t make it all the way. The Way Within is the only path home, all other paths only lead part of the way at best. We must trust and belief in our own soul guidance first, and believing in yourself is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Let your own divine connection guide you first and foremost, and use external sources of knowledge only as supplements.

Reprogramming your Organic Computer
The brain is essentially an organic computer that runs on a 12/24 hour cycle. In order to escape our dramas and stop manifesting our troublesome karmic patterns, we must reset the brain back to the Divine frequency every 12 hours. Otherwise, we will get sucked back into ego again and again. It doesn’t matter how disciplined you are, the energies in your aura will seek manifestation in your life, no matter what. It is inevitable. We can either work with these energies in meditation, surrendering to the guidance of our own soul, or we can manifest karma and drama in our lives endlessly. The choice is ours to make.

The brain can be reset and eventually completely rewired by meditation. Resetting the brain is very simple. Meditate approximately every 12 hours, sometime in the morning and sometime in the evening, and surrender your mind and heart to Spirit. Allowing your stress and worry to lift off from you and be released. The underlying emotion which is creating the drama and karmic patterns in your life, will sometimes come up after you surrender. Simply allow these emotions to flow through you and be processed by your emotional body.

You may start to cry or get extremely depressed, or start to process anger or hatred. This is totally normal and is part of the process. Stick with it and don’t give in to fear or worry. As you progress lifting your “emotional weights”, you’ll get tougher and stronger. If you start to feel concerned about becoming “emotionally unstable”, then pretend you are acting out a part in a play, and let the emotions belong to a character within you that needs attention and emotional release. Consistency is more important than amount of time in meditation. 15-20 minutes can suffice if you are pressed for time, 30 minutes or longer tends to work better. Try to meditate twice a day, 6 days a week, with one day of rest.

Transcending Drama & Becoming the Observer
With enough practice and consistency, surrendering in meditation will process and release the underlying emotional energies that are creating dramas and karmic patterns in your life in the first place. You’ll be able to transcend the chemical dramas going on in your brain, simply because the brain won’t create them to the same degree anymore. Your level of attachment to them will decrease as you journey further into yourself. Once the underlying emotional energies are being taken care of in meditation, then they won’t need to manifest in your external life anymore.

You’ll learn to become the observer of your own dramas, and see them for what they really are. Becoming the observer of your own dramas is like watching a comedy show. Even if you still get sucked into a drama once in awhile, the next time you meditate and surrender you will end up laughing about it. Most of the stressful situations that happen in life become quite ironic and hysterical. You will find yourself constantly laughing about them and being humbled by your own shortcomings. You will learn to accept yourself and the silly human monkey that you are, and be able to live your life in humor, humility, and grace. We can relax and enjoy the small things in life. We can give up any unnecessary ambitions that just create stress and serve no real purpose, and learn to be humble and patient. We can learn to live with ease and grace, and not take ourselves so seriously anymore.

ReleaseSupport Tools
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, low energy, lethargy, chronic fatigue and general feelings of malaise and worthlessness, then I highly recommend doing Deep Pain Body Diving Meditation, combined with herbal remedies. The Trinity herb blend is tremendously helpful with relieving depression & anxiety and boosting your mood and energy levels. I’ve been using it for years and it’s extremely helpful in overcoming the emotionally and physically toxic world we live in. Trinity has also helped many to get off of psych drugs and balance themselves enough to meditate and do the inner work. If you can’t afford herbal remedies, then you can also practice Dry Fasting. It will chemically reset the brain the same way Trinity does. Read about it on the Physical Tools for Healing Page below.


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Author: Rich Ryan

Rich Ryan
I'm a meditator. What I write is based on visions and insights received in meditation, nothing more. Take what resonates, leave the rest. Namaste.